Version 9.0.2 Stable
Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0 Joomla 5.1 Joomla 5.2
Released on: Tuesday, 21 January 2025
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 21 January 2025 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release includes several bug fixes and some improvements. All are advised to upgrade.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.3.16 and Joomla! 5.2.2Changelog
- Added User-Agent identifier 'JchOptimizeCrawler' for recache crawler
- Dont record hits on articles while using Page Cache if option disabled in component
- Improved compatibility with Cloudflare caching by removing no-cache header from .htaccess codes
- Improved implementation of background image lazy loading
- Modify default HTML sections in Reduce DOM feature
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Feature to update CRSF token broken
- [HIGH] Fixed intermittent uncaught error when saving page cache.
- [LOW] Don't lazy load background images without a valid path
- [LOW] Fixed exceptions caused by invalid selectors while lazy loading background images.
- [LOW] Fixed issue with incorrect character encoding in some CSS files
- [MEDIUM] Page Cache would print multiple lines of Ajax codes included by JCH Optimize
- [MEDIUM] Responsive images loading when not enabled
Version 9.0.1 Stable
Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0 Joomla 5.1 Joomla 5.2
Released on: Monday, 25 November 2024
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 25 November 2024 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release fixes a PHP error affecting sites running on Joomla 4.4.9. All are advised to upgrade.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.3.13 and Joomla! 5.2.1Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Fixed PHP error on Joomla 4 with Page Cache.
Version 9.0.0 Stable
Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0 Joomla 5.1 Joomla 5.2
Released on: Saturday, 16 November 2024
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 16 November 2024 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This is a major update from the last release featuring several added features and improvements to simplify and configuration and further improve performance. Noteworthy is the new dashboard that utilizes the native Joomla Dashboard Component. Some features were rearranged in new categories on the dashboard to improve usability.
Feature helper settings were added to the Reduce Unused JavaScript and Reduce Unused CSS features to help identify critical JavaScript and Dynamic CSS identifiers respectively. Other settings were added to a few features to further fine-tune configurations and performance.
Minimum supported Joomla version was revised to 4.3.0
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.3.13 and Joomla! 5.2.1Changelog
New features
- Add configure Helper settings for Reduce Unused JavaScript and Optimize CSS Delivery.
- Added Mobile and Desktop only settings in LCP feature.
- Added setting to crop mobile image rather than resize preserving aspect ratio when generating responsive images.
- Added settings to exclude sections from Reduce DOM feature and to include selected DIVs using id or class.
- Added settings to lazyload selected images above the fold such as hidden slider images and submenu icons.
Removed features
- Remove Expired Delete Cache function. Use Recache CRON to avoid cache-buildup.
- Separate Image features from CSS features on Dashboard.
- Settings 'Include Files' in Http/2 Preload and 'Preconnect domains' in Preconnect 3rd party Origins now accept crossorigin attribute values.
- Use Joomla Dashboard component to style Dashboard.
Miscellaneous changes
- Minimum supported Joomla version is now 4.3.0
- Namespace Lazysizes library to avoid conflicts.
- modeSwitcher module added to free version
Version 8.2.2 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0 Joomla 5.1
Released on: Wednesday, 15 May 2024
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 15 May 2024 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release introduces a few minor changes for better performance and compatibility, please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.3.6 and Joomla! 5.1.0Changelog
New features
- Add setting to load LCP images using id/class
- Added settings to lazy load hidden images above the fold.
Bug fixes
- [LOW] Optimize by URls didn't work on a few sites.
Miscellaneous changes
- CSS loaded asynchronously in Optimize CSS Delivery feature is added to the bottom of the page.
- Use loading attribute to lazy load images instead of JavaScript. JavaScript is only used to lazy load background images and audio/video
Version 8.2.1 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Friday, 23 February 2024
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 23 February 2024 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This is a maintenance release with a few added improvements and bug fixes, please see CHANGELOG.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.3.3 and Joomla! 5.0.3Changelog
Bug fixes
- [LOW] WEBP and responsive images were not loaded over CDN.
Miscellaneous changes
- Added support for resizing WEBP images to create responsive images
- Background images that are LCP with responsive images generated can now be appropriately preloaded with high priority
Version 8.2.0 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Friday, 26 January 2024
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 26 January 2024 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release introduces a major new feature, Responsive Images, to further reduce LCP, especially on mobile.
This works for both HTML images and for background images in CSS files. For HTML images, a srcset attribute is added to the
element containing the different sized images to load for different media sizes. For CSS images, the plugin will add additional CSS wrapped in media queries to load the different sized images at different viewport sizes.
You must optimize the images first to generate the different sizes. If images were optimized before, you may want to temporarily disable the 'Ignore optimized images' setting to facilitate a re-optimization.
Other minor improvement and bug fixes, please see CHANGELOG.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.3.2 and Joomla! 5.0.2Changelog
New features
- Add responsive images feature
Removed features
- Removed cache expiry mode setting
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Fix CSS issue with handling cassiopeia template
- [MEDIUM] Backup images were only saved when WEBP images generated
Miscellaneous changes
- Further improvement in how cache expiry function to improve stability and efficiency
Version 8.1.4 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Thursday, 07 December 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 07 December 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release is a maintenance update featuring some improvements and minor bug fixes. All are encouraged to upgrade.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.13 and Joomla! 4.4.1|5.0.1Changelog
New features
- Add setting to limit max file size for upload in Optimize Image feature.
- Improve event messaging in modal while optimizing images using websockets.
- Improved caching to reduce server resource usage.
Bug fixes
- [LOW] Couldn't exclude JavaScript files with async attributes.
Miscellaneous changes
- Error messages for failed requests during recache is logged.
Version 8.1.3 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Wednesday, 15 November 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 15 November 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release is a maintenance update featuring some improvements and minor bug fixes. All are encouraged to upgrade.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.12 and Joomla! 4.4.0|5.0.0Changelog
New features
- Add setting to easily find the Elements above fold value. Only works if Debug Plugin is enabled.
- Improved code that was causing high resource usage on some sites.
- The new Optimize Image feature wasn't working optimally on some servers.
Bug fixes
- [LOW] Fix issue with unfound UnlinkException PHP errors.
- [MEDIUM] Fixed issue with preloads triggering warning in browser console about request credentials mode don't match
Version 8.1.2 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Tuesday, 24 October 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 24 October 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release is a maintenance update that fixes a PHP error on some sites. All are welcome to upgrade
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.11 and Joomla! 4.4.0|5.0.0Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIgh] Fixes PHP error in CacheManager.php file.
- [LOW] Fixes issue with JavaScript errors on some sites.
- [MEDIUM] Fixes issue with using Smart Combine when excluding JavaScript files.
- [MEDIUM] Some images not showing when Load Webp images enabled.
Version 8.1.1 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Sunday, 22 October 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 22 October 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release is a maintenance update that fixes a PHP error on some sites. All are welcome to upgrade
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.11 and Joomla! 4.4.0|5.0.0Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Fixes a PHP error on some sites.
Version 8.1.0 Stable
Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3 Joomla 4.4 Joomla 5.0
Released on: Saturday, 21 October 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 21 October 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release is a major upgrade with many new changes, primary of which is compatibility with Joomla 5. Consequently, we no longer support 3.10 since we maintain only one installation package for the different platforms but the code bases were just too different. Minimum PHP version is also now 8.0
Most of the changes are concerned with the Preload tab on the Options page, where we rearrange settings in different features to make it more intuitive and introduced a feature to load Largest Contentful Paint images using the new fetchpriority attribute to improve performance on PageSpeed.
There's also an additional feature on the CSS tab to include CSS declarations to improve Cumulative Layout Shift. When helping other to optimize their site, I often have this need so this makes it easy to insert simple CSS declarations for mobile or desktop to manage shifting while rendering, without worrying about media queries as these will be automatically generated for you.
Additionally, we've rewritten the Optimize Images script to make it more efficient and faster, including some options to modify concurrency or file pack sizes based on your server capabilities to further increase speed or limit output based on server capabilities. See CHANGELOG for additional details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.11 and Joomla! 4.4.0|5.0.0Changelog
New features
- Add Custom CSS feature to reduce CLS
- Add HTML sections setting to Reduce DOM feature
- Add feature to preload LCP images with high fetch priority
- Added Preconnect section for third-party origins including CDN
Removed features
- Remove CDN setting Preconnect CDNs
- Remove HTTP/2 setting Push CDN files
- Support for WinCache storage removed
- Improved Optimize Images script
- Minimum Joomla support now 4.0. NO LONGER SUPPORTS JOOMLA 3
- Minimum PHP version now 8.0
Miscellaneous changes
- Many other minor improvements and bug fixes.
Version 8.0.6 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Wednesday, 09 August 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 09 August 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release contains a couple of bug fixes affecting some sites and improvements. Please see CHANGELOG for other changes.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.8 and Joomla! 3.10.12|4.3.3Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] CRON scripts throwing error
- [HIGH] Fix conflict with some third party extensions using same vendors
- [MEDIUM] WEBP don't load on embedded background images
Miscellaneous changes
- Remove zero-width none-break space from downloaded files before combine to prevent issues.
Version 8.0.5 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Thursday, 03 August 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 03 August 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version fixes a security vulnerability with the metafile used by the Optimize Image feature that is used to record images on the site already optimized. The full URL of the images were recorded and the file was accessible from the Internet. This version fixes that by masking the document root part of the URL and uses .htaccess to block access to the file. Everyone should update ASAP. Please see CHANGELOG for other changes.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.8 and Joomla! 3.10.12|4.3.3Changelog
Security fixes
- Fix security vulnerability with Optimize Image metafile
New features
- Add setting to ignore select query parameters from page caching.
Bug fixes
- [MEDIUM] Fix bug with Optimize Image on some servers not working
Version 8.0.4 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Thursday, 06 July 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 06 July 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version restores compatibility with Windows OS broken in the previous version and some other minor bug fixes and improvements. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.7 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.3.2Changelog
New features
- Added option to vary number of elements above fold for Lazy-load processing.
- Added setting to disable deferring of Critical JavaScript. May improve CLS on templates incorrectly rendering the
- Added support for CDN providers like Cloudinary that provide paths along with domains.
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Windows compatibility broken
- [LOW] JavaScript error in admin from Mode Switcher module when main menu hidden.
Version 8.0.3 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Thursday, 08 June 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 08 June 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version contains a few minor improvements and bug fixes. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.7 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.3.2Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Optimize Image not saving backups if backup directory not already exists.
- [MEDIUM] Exclude all scripts setting didn't work.
Version 8.0.2 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Friday, 19 May 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 19 May 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version contains a fix for an error affecting a few sites that have been using more than one page cache plugins. Just a reminder that you don't need to use more than one page cache plugin. That does not result in better optimization but only cause conflicts. Just choose one and work with it.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.6 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.3.1Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Using the System Cache and the JCH Optimize Page Cache together triggers PHP error.
- [MEDIUM] Some toggle settings on Dashboard in the Free version triggers JavaScript error.
Version 8.0.1 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 17 May 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version contains several bug fixes from the previous major release and a few minor improvements. See CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.6 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.3.1Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] If CDN is enabled, WEBP images were not loaded.
- [HIGH] Incorrect cache storage configuration could cause irrecoverable error on site.
- [LOW] Background lazy-load don't work for dynamic content.
- [LOW] Cache info didn't work with some configurations.
- [LOW] Fix intermittent error on Dashboard.
- [MEDIUM] CDN domains entered with schemes were processed incorrectly.
- [MEDIUM] Fix JavaScript error on inner pages when using page cache with HTTP Request feature.
- [MEDIUM] Fix bug with PHP errors on some page with the page cache plugin.
- [MEDIUM] Fix bug with excluding script IEO.
- [MEDIUM] Fix bug with lazy-load background images feature.
- [MEDIUM] Fix conflict with lazyload background images and Optimize CSS Delivery.
- [MEDIUM] Optimize Image by URLs didn't work for some configurations.
Miscellaneous changes
- Disable optimization if loaded in an iframe for better compatibility with page builders.
Version 8.0.0 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2 Joomla 4.3
Released on: Monday, 24 April 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 24 April 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version is a major update containing a few new features and improvements. Notable additions are a Recache function to crawl the site and optimize and cache pages before users visit, complete with a CLI command to run as CRON. Also, a major overhaul of the Mode Switcher module to accommodate more quick actions and info, complete with color indicator to quickly indicate what is enabled. Also, the Options page was re-arranged for better . Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.2.5 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.3.0Changelog
New features
- Added Bulk Settings Operations feature to export, reset, import settings.
- Added Recache feature, complete with CLI command for running CRON.
- Added separate icon on Dashboard to load WEBP images.
- Color indicator added to Mode Switcher.
- Modified the JavaScript Exclude settings to make them more user friendly.
- Re-arranged some settings on the Options page to make them more intuitive.
- THe Mode Switcher module changed to drop-down to accommodate more quick actions and info.
Miscellaneous changes
- Minimum PHP version is now PHP 7.4.
- Numerous bug fixes and improvements.
- The navigation tab in the administrator component was replaced by submenus.
Version 7.3.4 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2
Released on: Friday, 20 January 2023
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 20 January 2023 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version contains bug fixes and improvements since the last release. All are encouraged to update. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.14 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.6Changelog
Bug fixes
- [LOW] Attribute 'loading="lazy"' incorrectly removed when Lazy-load is disabled.
- [MEDIUM] DeleteAll button on Page Cache tab didn't work after cache expired.
- [MEDIUM] Imported fonts were being left out when Optimize Fonts feature is enabled.
Miscellaneous changes
- Added 'SVG' support for files that can be loaded without http client.
- Exclude images in external images and images containing src-set in Add Image Attribute
- Further improvements in the expiry cache deletion feature to prevent 404 errors.
- Set file permissions of cache files and folders to the same as installed package to avoid permissions issues.
Version 7.3.3 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2
Released on: Sunday, 04 December 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 04 December 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version contains bug fixes and improvements since the last release. All are encouraged to update. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.13 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.5Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Enabling Smart Combine would reset some settings to the default value.
- [HIGH] The Add Attributes Feature threw a Fatal Error if it encounters a width/height attribute with empty value
- [MEDIUM] Execution order of JavaScript files not preserved when Critical Script were loaded while files were excluded.
Miscellaneous changes
- Set samesite value of cookies to 'Lax'
Version 7.3.2 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2
Released on: Saturday, 26 November 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 26 November 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
JCH Optimize will delete cache files when they have expired. Sometimes, if you're using another page cache plugin then it's possible that a cached page can be loaded with links to orphaned files, leaving the site without CSS and JavaScript. To mitigate this we recommend setting the cache lifetime in JCH Optimize much higher than your page cache lifetime. However, in this version we've added a setting to disable to deletion of cache files to avoid this altogether. You may just have to watch if you're building up an excess amount of cache. Better still, we recommend using the JCH Optimize Page Cache plugin and keep cache expiry deletion enabled. You'll also benefit from the HTTP Request feature that serves cached pages without calling PHP, significantly reducing initial server response. A few bug fixes since the last stable release is also included. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.13 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.5Changelog
New features
- Added setting to optionally disable deletion of cached files when expired.
Bug fixes
- [MEDIUM] Imported Google fonts were not being handled properly.
- [MEDIUM] Reduce Unused JavaScript wasn't working properly on some sites.
- [MEDIUM] Some external domains were not being preconnected when Optimize Fonts is enabled.
Miscellaneous changes
- Added support for inline modules.
- Further improvements in compatibility with MightySites.
Version 7.3.1 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2
Released on: Tuesday, 01 November 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 01 November 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
Several improvements and bug fixes since the last stable release. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.12 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.4Changelog
Bug fixes
- [LOW] Fixed PHP deprecation error in lib/core/Helper.php.
- [MEDIUM] Images in
elements were not converted to WEBP - [MEDIUM] Preloaded files were not loaded over CDN
Miscellaneous changes
- Improved compatibility with Mightsites component.
- Optimize Images tab using modals for improved aesthetics.
Version 7.3.0 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2
Released on: Thursday, 06 October 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 06 October 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
Several new enhancements were developed to better optimize sites. Of special note, The Optimize Google Fonts feature was expanded to include all fonts and provision for special handling of other font files ig required. The Reduce Unused JavaScript feature was further enhanced to include modules, but also to exclude modules that are dependent on critical files/script. For most users this change should go smoothly, all the ones we've tested did but a few sites may need to reconfigure this feature to get the best results from this change. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.11 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.3Changelog
New features
- Added setting to Lazy-load background images defined in the CSS files to the Lazy-Load feature.
- Added setting to change existing font-display policy to swap. Previously this was only added of font-display was absent.
- Added setting to lazy load background images in CSS files.
- Added setting to preload JavaScript Modules in the Http/2 Preload feature
- Modules are now also being loaded dynamically in the Reduce Unused Javascript feature.
- The HTTP/2 tab on the Options page was changed to Preloads and the Optimize Fonts feature moved to this tab.
- The Optimize Google Fonts feature was expanded to optimize all fonts.
Bug fixes
- [MEDIUM] Fixed bug with lazy loading audio/video set to autoplay
Miscellaneous changes
- Improve method to generate cache key for Optimize CSS Delivery feature to prevent excess generating of cache.
- Will attempt to delete third party page cache when expired files are deleted.
Version 7.2.5 Stable
Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1 Joomla 4.2
Released on: Tuesday, 16 August 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 16 August 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
Several bug fixes and improvements. Please see CHANGELOG for details.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.9 and Joomla! 3.10.11|4.2.0Changelog
New features
- Added setting to exclude components in Page Cache.
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Fixed conflict with Cache Cleaner causing settings not to be saved in component.
- [LOW] CDN feature broke processing same images used multiple times in srcset.
- [LOW] Optimize Image didn't work with file paths that include spaces.
- [MEDIUM] Fix resizing images not working with Manual Option on some servers.
- [MEDIUM] Google fonts that were imported in CSS files weren't being optimized and loaded.
Version 7.2.4 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1
Released on: Wednesday, 06 July 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 06 July 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
We've made some more improvements to more aggressively delete expired cache but without deleting any files whose URLs are still cached on any pages to prevent pages being orphaned without CSS/JS files that were expired and deleted. Testing has proved this to be effective in stabilizing cache growth on even very volatile sites. If you've been affected by this issue please update.
Before introducing our own page cache plugin in 7.2.0 we had a Page Cache Integration cache feature that allowed users to integrate the page cache they're using with the JCH Optimize and could disable/enable page caching when the component is put in Development/Production mode respectively. Since we now have our own page cache plugin this feature was removed, and we recommend using the JCH Optimize Page Cache plugin for best compatibility, especially in light of the likely issue of having CSS/js files that have been expired and deleted still being cached on the page.
You can still use a different cache plugin if you prefer. If you do then you should set the lifetime setting in your page cache application to less than the lifetime configured on the General tab in the JCH Optimize Options page. We recommend JCH Optimize lifetime being at least twice that of page cache. Doing this will mitigate the likelihood of this happening, but we can't guarantee it won't happen unless you use our page cache plugin.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.7 and Joomla! 3.10.10|4.1.5Changelog
Removed features
- Removed setting to integrate third party page cache plugin with the component
- Further improvement in cache management to reduce cache build up on some sites
Bug fixes
- [MEDIUM] Fixed preloading duplicated google fonts.
Version 7.2.3 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1
Released on: Monday, 20 June 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 20 June 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
The previous release contained some changes in the codes we used in the .htaccess files to leverage browser caching,
and it was causing 500 Internal Server errors on sites running older versions of Apache. Some
Critical bugs and important changes
- Fix issue with .htaccess codes causing 500 errors on older versions of Apache
Version 7.2.2 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1
Released on: Friday, 17 June 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 17 June 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release provides several improvements and bug fixes. See CHANGELOG for details. All are recommended to upgrade.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.7 and Joomla! 3.10.9|4.1.4Changelog
New features
- Added setting to make excluding form users from page cache optional
- Added support for Brotli compression in htaccess
- Added user plugin to aid with management of cookies for page caching
- Improved caching management to reduce server usage and load
Bug fixes
- [MEDIUM] Fixed Add Image Attibutes feature not working
- [MEDIUM] HTTP Request setting in Page Cache not working on some sites when gzip enabled
Version 7.2.1 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1
Released on: Saturday, 04 June 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 04 June 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This release fixes a couple errors on sites created by the last update.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.6 and Joomla! 3.10.9|4.1.4Changelog
Critical bugs and important changes
- Fixed issue with 500 error on some sites after updating to 7.2.0
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Using htaccess for combined files delivery didn't work on Joomla 3
Version 7.2.0 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1
Released on: Friday, 03 June 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 03 June 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
As of this release, JCH Optimize no longer uses the FOF framework developed by Akeeba Ltd since development of that library has been discontinued. We have opted though not to automatically uninstall FOF as was previously planned and announced, but will leave this to the user to do instead. This is because some other third party software that have not properly registered their dependence on FOF may be installed on the website. It is however recommended to uninstall the library if you are sure you are not using any other extension that is dependent on FOF.
This version uses a different caching system than Joomla! in order to take advantages of some features that are currently absent, so it may show that there are 0 cache files for com_jchoptimize when you visit the Cache Manager in Joomla!. The files can still be deleted but if you want to see the amount of cache generated you'll need to go to the Dashboard in JCH Optimize.
There is a new page cache plugin included in the package with a new page in Administration and tab in the Settings related to the features of this page cache. Most prominently the ability to ship static caches of the page without calling PHP that significantly improves initial render time. Additionally, there is a new feature to assist with the issue raised on PageSpeed regarding 'Remove Unused Javascript' that if configured properly, can provide improved page performance. The descriptions in the settings are information, but I will be spending the next few days to update the documentation to cover these new features in more detail. In the meantime if you need assistance feel free to contact us.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.1.6 and Joomla! 3.10.9|4.1.4Changelog
Security fixes
- Fix issue with being able to visit administrator page using url when access is restricted.
New features
- Added 'Remove Unused Javascript' feature.
- Added page cache plugin.
- Added support for Joomla 4.1
- Added support for the Page Cache Extended plugin to integrate with the component
Removed features
- No longer combining Google font files if they're not being optimized
- Improved caching to reduce number of build up of files
- Minimum required PHP version is now 7.3
- New administrator page for page cache feature.
- No longer using the FOF library.
- The Add Image Attributes feature now also searches data-src attributes for urls of images
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] PHP error thrown on Joomla! 4 while saving Exclude settings with plugin disabled.
- [HIGH] Third party library conflicting on some sites causing 500 errors
- [LOW] Fixed issue with optimized files not shown in blue in the file tree on the Optimize Image tab.
- [MEDIUM] Fixed bug with displaying WEBP images when CDN is enabled.
Miscellaneous changes
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 7.1.3 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0 Joomla 4.1
Released on: Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 16 February 2022 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
Please note that JCH Optimize uses the FOF4 library developed by They have announced that they will discontinue development of this library and in fact have Joomla 4 native version of all their extensions. Consequently, we are actively developing a version of JCH Optimize that doesn't use FOF which is planned for 7.2.0. In the meantime please do not uninstall FOF4 if you're using JCH Optimize, it will be uninstalled when you install 7.2.0 or if you uninstall JCH Optimize if you're not using any other extensions that uses FOF4. This version provides support for Joomla 4.1.* and allows you to install the package which includes FOF4 on your site.
Please see CHANGELOG for further details of other changes.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.0.15 and Joomla! 3.10.5|4.1.0Changelog
New features
- Added support for Joomla 4.1
Removed features
- No longer combining Google font files if they're not being optimized
- Improved caching to reduce number of build up of files
- The Add Image Attributes feature now also searches data-src attributes for urls of images
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] PHP error thrown on Joomla! 4 while saving Exclude settings with plugin disabled.
- [LOW] Fixed issue with optimized files not shown in blue in the file tree on the Optimize Image tab.
- [MEDIUM] Fixed bug with displaying WEBP images when CDN is enabled.
Version 7.1.1 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0
Released on: Monday, 22 November 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 22 November 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version has a bug fix for some sites.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.0.12 and Joomla! 3.10.3|4.0.3Changelog
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Third party library conflicting on some sites causing 500 errors
Version 7.1.0 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0
Released on: Saturday, 13 November 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 13 November 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This version adds a Page Cache toggle button on the Dashboard for easy access for PRO users, adds ACL controls for the component and combines Basic and Combined files tab into a General tab in the Options configuration page.
Please see CHANGELOG below for list of changes.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.0.12 and Joomla! 3.10.3|4.0.3Changelog
New features
- Added Permissions tab on the Options configuration page.
- Added setting to remove CSS files from loading
- Added toggle settings for the integrated page cache plugin on the dashboard
- Re-added setting to remove javascript files from loading
Removed features
- No longer collapsing sections with Automatic settings.
- Combined Basic and Combine files tab in a General tab
- More popovers added to dashboard for better user experience
- Using browser detection to determine when to load WEBP images
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Fixed error with uninstalling package
- [MEDIUM] Using the Clean Cache button don't always clean page cache
Miscellaneous changes
- Other minor improvements and bug fixes
Version 7.0.1 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0
Released on: Wednesday, 15 September 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 15 September 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
Please see CHANGELOG below for list of changes.
Developed on PHP 8.0.10 and Joomla! 3.10.2Changelog
- Better compatibility with third party installers such as
Bug fixes
- [HIGH] Exclude menu items settings not saving or being excluded
Version 7.0.0 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10 Joomla 4.0
Released on: Wednesday, 01 September 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 01 September 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
What's new
This is a major upgrade from the last version. This version also now supports Joomla! 4. The settings are normally accessed in the plugin under Plugin Manager but now JCH Optimize is a package containing an administrator component, module (in the pro version) and plugin, so the settings are moved to the component. You'll now also find an entry for JCH Optimize in the component's menu in the administrator section.
This installation is now actually a new entry in Joomla!'s extension database so the settings will be imported from the previous installation and the old installation deleted. Please note, it's not possible to downgrade to previous versions, you'll need to uninstall this version first otherwise you'll end up with two installations of JCH Optimize on your site.
Please see CHANGELOG below for list of changes.
Developed on PHP 8.0.10 and Joomla! 3.9.28Changelog
New features
- Added Utility feature to generate new cache hash
- Added module to toggle plugin state between 'production' and 'development' [Pro version only]
Removed features
- No longer using preload polyfill for asynchronous CSS and optimized Google Font files
- Removed the 'Remove Unused javascript' feature
- Added support for Joomla!4
- Moved settings from plugin to component
Language fixes or changes
- Language files moved to component from plugin
- Language files keys now properly formatted according to Joomla!'s standards
Miscellaneous changes
- Added support for javascript modules
- Animation keyframes added to critical CSS in Optimize CSS Delivery
- Using icon images instead of font icons on action buttons on dashboard
- Using template elements for Reduce DOM feature rather than HTML comments
Version 6.5.0 Stable
Joomla 3.9 Joomla 3.10
Released on: Thursday, 10 June 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 10 June 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improvement: Added support for older browsers that don't use WEBP images.
- Improvement: Recursing into subfolders while using the Manual Optimize Image section is now optional.
- Improvement: Urls in srcsets are now being processed when using Automatic Optimize Image option and are also now being converted to WEBP images where necessary.
- Improvement: When Lazyload image is enabled, hidden images are also only loaded when they become visible.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.4.2 Stable
Joomla 3.9
Released on: Thursday, 15 April 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 15 April 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Minor bugs fixes and improvments.
Version 6.4.1 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Sunday, 14 March 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 14 March 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Bug Fix: Resolve PHP error when optimizing images in subfolder.
- Bug Fix: Fixed error handling in script that stopped optimize images without any messages.
- Bug Fix: Webp formats weren't genereated for multiple copies of images.
- Bug Fix: Add Item button wasn't working for some sites.
- Bug Fix: Time out issues when optimizing images.
- Bug Fix: Fix issues with restore backup images on some sites.
- Improvement: Added support for ttf filis in Http/2 feature.
- Other minor bugs fixes and improvments.
Version 6.4.0 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 10 February 2021 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- New Feature: New Optimize Image feature to optimize images on a per page basis and to convert images to webp formats. Pro Version
- New Feature: Option to restore images after they've been optimized or to delete directory of back-up images if optimization is satisfactory
- New Feature: Smart Combine feature to produce smaller combined files promoting browser caching across page loads, reduces chances of excessive cache generation and takes advantages of better files delivery offered by Http/2 servers. Pro Version
- Improvements: Better implementation to maintain aspect-ratio of images in Lazy-load courtesy of f_liva.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.3.1 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 30 December 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improvements: A slightly better layout (hopefully) of the settings page since the last release.
Version 6.3.0 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Tuesday, 29 December 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 29 December 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- New Feature: Basic settings for Http2 feature now available in Free Version.
- New Feature: Optimize Google Fonts feature to speed up loading of Google Fonts Pro Version
- New Feature: Ability to add files to the Http2 Push if critical files are being loaded dynamically so cannot normally be accessed by the plugin. Pro Version
- New Feature: Added preconnect resource hints settings for CDN domains.
- Improvements: Improved method to generate key hash for Optimize CSS Delivery to avoid incorrect critical CSS being loaded on page, so improving Cumulative layout shift across pages.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.2.1 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Wednesday, 09 December 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 09 December 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Bug Fix: Some sites using PageBuilder were seeing css incorrected rendered.
- Bug Fix: All images in srcset attributes were not loaded by CDN on some sites.
- Bug Fix: Too many backgrounnd images loaded y http/2 when Optimize CSS Delivery feature is disabled. Can cause trouble with loading of site.
- Improvement: No longer removing font-face from combined css when Optimize CSS Delivery is enabled as only the font-face used above the fold is included in critical css.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.2.0 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 02 December 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improvements: Dynamic CSS Selectors will add CSS to critical CSS even if Remove Unused CSS is disabled.
- Improvements: In the Http/2 push feature, the plugin will now only push woff files or woff2 files instead if present. This avoids pushing font files that are not being used.
- New Feature: Added settings to Lazy-load background images and Audio and Video elements. Pro Version
- New Feature: Added settings to add files loaded over CDN to the Link header, and to exclude files in the Http/2 Push feature. Pro Version
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.1.1 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Tuesday, 06 October 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 06 October 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Bug Fix: Font files weren't being pushed by http/2 unless Optimize CSS Delivery is enabled.
- Bug Fix: Font files of typ woff2 were not being pushed via http/2 at all.
- Bug Fix: Add Image Attributes weren't working for images using self closing HTML tags.
- Bug Fix: Compressed files were being downloaded from some servers creating errors in combined files.
- Improvement: Re-add the CSS Dynamic Selectors setting although implementation is different and not as much CSS needs to be declared.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.1.0 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 22 September 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improvements: Optimize Htaccess button will update codes in .htaccess files if already exists rather than simple reporting code already existing.
- Improvements: Modified the implementation of Remove Unused CSS so as to obviate the need for configuring the Dynamic CSS setting.
- New Feature: Added 'beta' feature Reduce Dom to reduce size and loading time of large sites.
- New Feature: Added setting to remove unused javascript files.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 6.0.1 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Sunday, 29 March 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 29 March 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improvements: Add Image Attributes will ignore images with both height and width attributes present. If one attribute is present the other will be added based on aspect ratio.
- Bug fix. Fixed error in combined CSS files caused by media type in file being different to type in media attribute on the LINK tag.
- Bug Fix. 'Add item' button sometimes not showing for multi-select exclude options.
- Bug Fix: Lazyloading images with srcset attributes broke W3C HTML validation.
- Bug fix: Updating from v5.4.3 generated a PHP error.
Version 6.0.0 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Thursday, 20 February 2020
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 20 February 2020 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Changed avaliability of some features. Some features that were Pro only are now free.
- Renamed tabs in Settings page.
- Corrected W3C validation issue with Lazyload.
- Corrected and modified mime type in codes to optimize .htaccess.
- Added option to remove unused CSS. This is added as an additional setting in the Optimize CSS Delivery feature.Pro Version
Added separate setting to lazy-load iframes in Lazy-load Images feature.Pro Version
- Different hash generated for multiple combined files.
- All excluded and combined javascript files are placed at the bottom of the page with settings Premium and above.
Version 5.4.3 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Thursday, 05 September 2019
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 05 September 2019 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Added more options to cache lifetime setting allowing for longer cache times.
- Improved compatibility with LiteSpeed Cache.
- Adds the 'font-display: swap;' CSS declaration when the Optimize CSS Delivery feature is enabled.
- Fixed bug in Optimize CSS Delivery feature handling CSS declarations that describes HTML attributes.
- Now only pushes font files of type woff/tff in the Http/2 feature.
Version 5.4.2 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Wednesday, 20 March 2019
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 20 March 2019 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Added cache lifetime setting so this can be reduced to help manage the amount of cache files generated on the server.
- Added option to autosize images in Lazy-load. This was hardcoded in but caused problems on some site so it's now optional.
- Fixed bug in HTML minifier library.
- Now loads CSS file using the preload attribute instead of using javascript in the Optimize CSS Delivery setting. CSS file is also now loaded in the HEAD section.
- Fixed bug with Optimize Image feature not working on Safari
Version 5.4.1 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Saturday, 12 January 2019
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 12 January 2019 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed bug in HTML minifier library.
- Fixed bug in Lazy-load feature.
- Fixed bug with fonts not showing correctly on some sites.
- Fixed bug with showing XML pages.
- Improved compatibility with Page Cache plugin and the HTTP/2 push feature.
Version 5.3.0 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Saturday, 05 January 2019
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Saturday, 05 January 2019 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Added http/2 push feature.
- Added capability to handle responsive images and iframes to the Lazy-load feature.
- Improved efficiency of caching policy of static assets.
- Removed font-face from combined CSS file when Optimize CSS Delivery is enabled.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvement.
Version 5.2.9 Stable
Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8 Joomla 3.9
Released on: Thursday, 08 November 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 08 November 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with Optimize Image sometimes stopping.
- Added ability to mark and skip optimized images in subfolders.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvement.
Version 5.2.8 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Sunday, 07 October 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 07 October 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improved handling of async/deferred javascript files.
- New Lazyload library.
- Fixed bug in javascript minification library.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvement.
Version 5.2.7 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Sunday, 12 August 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 12 August 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Javascript files loaded asynchronously are ignored by the plugin, deferred files are not combined but placed below the last combined file and combined file will be deferred in Optimum setting.
- Fixed issue with Optimize Image function timing out.
- Other Minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 5.2.6 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Monday, 09 July 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 09 July 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed PHP error on some sites.
- Integration with LiteSpeed Cache.
Version 5.2.5 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Thursday, 05 July 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 05 July 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improved caching mechanism to prevent issues on some sites.
- Improved compatibility with Joomla! Page Cache plugin.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements.
Version 5.2.4 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Wednesday, 13 June 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 13 June 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with load issues on some sites.
- Fixed bug in javascript minifier
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Version 5.2.3 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Wednesday, 25 April 2018
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 25 April 2018 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with randomly losing CSS on some sites.
- Fixed issue deprecating error with each function on PHP7.2.
- Added option to exclude urls.
- Added minifier for json.
- Other bug fixes and improvements.
Version 5.2.2 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Thursday, 16 November 2017
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 16 November 2017 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed bug in calculating cache lifetime that was preventing expired cache from being flushed daily.
Version 5.2.1 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Thursday, 26 October 2017
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 26 October 2017 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Resolved errors on some sites caused by the last release.
Version 5.2.0 Stable
Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7 Joomla 3.8
Released on: Monday, 23 October 2017
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 23 October 2017 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Major improvement in the Optimize Image feature, handling a much higher number of images more effectively and quickly.
- Static combined files are now loaded from the media folder rather than the cache folder.
- Codes are added to .htaccess file to gzip compress static files.
- Expired cache are flushed automatically once daily.
Version 5.1.2 Stable
Joomla 3.5 Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7
Released on: Wednesday, 14 June 2017
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 14 June 2017 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Minor bug fixes since the last release.
Version 5.1.1 Stable
Joomla 3.5 Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7
Released on: Wednesday, 24 May 2017
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 24 May 2017 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Minor bug fixes since the last release.
Version 5.1.0 Stable
Joomla 3.4 Joomla 3.5 Joomla 3.6 Joomla 3.7
Released on: Thursday, 27 April 2017
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 27 April 2017 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Ability to exclude files while maintaining original execution order for all Automatic Settings added.
- 'Exclude javascript dynamically' setting removed.
- Ability to select static files for combined css and js files added.
- Cache lifetime hardcoded to 1 day and setting removed.
- Compliant with Amp pages.
- Ability to select file type for each CDN domain added.
- CDN feature will use base element to determine the base url for relative urls.
- Automatically exclude images above the fold from Lazy-load feature to avoid css render-blocking issues.
- Improvements in the Optimize CSS Delivery feature.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Version 5.0.5 Stable
Joomla 3.3 Joomla 3.4 Joomla 3.5 Joomla 3.6
Released on: Friday, 08 April 2016
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 08 April 2016 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- A few bug fixes since the latest release
Version 5.0.4 Stable
Joomla 3.*
Released on: Wednesday, 23 March 2016
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 23 March 2016 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Improved compatibility with PHP7.
- Added Chinese (zh-CN) language translation
- Several minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 5.0.3 Stable
Joomla 3.*
Released on: Thursday, 28 January 2016
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 28 January 2016 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Fixed bug in last version that was creating some javascript errors in some browsers on some sites.
Version 5.0.2 Stable
Joomla 3.*
Released on: Wednesday, 27 January 2016
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 27 January 2016 |
Viewed | 0 times |
Release notes
- Grouped settings related to the combine CSS/javascript feature together to make it more intuitive to configure and added setting to disable/enable this feature
- Added feature to add missing height and width attributes to img elements
- Added Polish and Hungarian translations
- Fixed bug with lazy-load feture that was affecting other javascript libraries
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 5.0.1 Stable
Joomla 3.*
Released on: Sunday, 06 December 2015
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 06 December 2015 |
Viewed | 1158 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with the CSS Optimize library that was causing some pages to load slowly
Version 5.0.0 Stable
Joomla 3.*
Released on: Tuesday, 01 December 2015
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 01 December 2015 |
Viewed | 921 times |
Release notes
- The settings in the backend are rearranged in a more logical and intuitive manner.
- Option to 'Leverage Browser Cache' for common resource files.
- Option to correct permissions of files/folders in plugin.
- Ability to remove files from loading on the page for eg., if you have more than one jQuery libraries or libraries you're not using like Mootools.
- Psuedo-cron script that flush expired cache daily to reduce the build up of excess cache
- Support for those pesky Google font files that are always blocking on PageSpeed
- Added translations for Spanish, French, German, Russian, and Hebrew
- Support for up to 3 CDN/Cookieless domains and the ability to select the file type to load over CDN (PRO VERSION)
- Exclude images from Lazy Load based on the folder (useful if you want to exclude all images from an extension), or by the CSS class defined on the image (PRO VERSION)
- Improved compatibility with slideshows and ajax content with the LazyLoad function and also support for non-javascript users (probably some mobile) (PRO VERSION)
- Developed our own API for optimizing images so we'll no longer be using (PRO VERSION)
- Added functionality to recursively optimize images in subfolders (PRO VERSION)
- Can scale images during optimization if image dimensions are larger than required. (PRO VERSION)
- Optimized/resized images will be automatically backed up in a folder. (PRO VERSION)
- Other improvements to existing features and various bug fixes.
Version 4.2.4 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Wednesday, 17 June 2015
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Wednesday, 17 June 2015 |
Viewed | 1505 times |
Release notes
- Fixed bug in Autoloader function that conflicts with other plugins that have classes beginning with 'JCH'.
- Fixed bug with HTML Minify removing spaces from inside pre elements when it contains other HTML elements.
- Fixed issue with Optimize Images not working with open_basedir setting (PRO VERSION)
Version 4.2.3 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Monday, 06 April 2015
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 06 April 2015 |
Viewed | 1540 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with plugin not downloding files from external domain on some servers.
- Bug fixes and improvement in the HTML Minification library.
- Improvements with the Optimize Images feature now using API
Version 4.2.2 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 24 March 2015 |
Viewed | 424 times |
Release notes
- Now using API to optimize images.
- Fixed issue with the new setting 'Use url rewrite - Without Options+SymLinks' not working properly.
- Fixed issue with 'Invalid Token' error when caching and Ultra HTML Minification level are enabled.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 4.2.1 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Thursday, 19 February 2015
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 19 February 2015 |
Viewed | 807 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with plugin not running on a few sites.
- Installation fails if minimum requirements are not met.
- Organize plugin admin parameters in groups so easier to configure, possibly.
- Add option to wrap javascript files in try catch blocks if there are javascripts errors on the site.
- Other minor bug fixes and improvements
Version 4.2.0 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 16 December 2014 |
Viewed | 1057 times |
Release notes
- Added lazy load images function.
- Now loading JCH Optimize generated combined files via the media folder
- Fixed issue with 'Optimize Images' function freezing on large folders and added activity log.
- Fixed bug with Javascript Minification library affecting some sites
- Fixed bug with HTML minification affecting XHTML templates
- Added levels of HTML minification
- Added visual indicator for which pre-configured setting is enabled.
- Added workaraound for sites getting 'Failed fetching links..' error in backend.
Version 4.1.4 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Monday, 10 November 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 10 November 2014 |
Viewed | 727 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with plugin not running on some sites with outdated PCRE library
- Improvements in the CDN/Cookie-less domain feature
- Improvements in Sprite Generator
- Size of images in sprite now restricted to 50px x 50px
- Improvements in the minification libraries
- Fix link to update stream to enable Joomla! automatic updates
Version 4.1.3 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Monday, 20 October 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 20 October 2014 |
Viewed | 646 times |
Release notes
- Expanded the 'Cookieless domain' feature to full CDN support and all static files will be loaded on the specified domain, including background images, generated sprite and the JCH generated javascript and CSS
- Fixed bug causing 404 errors in the Optimize Images feature on some sites.
- Fixed bug with Sprite generator that changes the order of images on sprite if you add additional images.
- Improved quailty of sprite image for sites running GD2
- Now only using png image type for sprite as this offers the highest quality and widely supported.
Version 4.1.2 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Monday, 06 October 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 06 October 2014 |
Viewed | 710 times |
Release notes
- Improved the Optimize Images function. Wasn't working well on some sites.
- CSS Minify now supports font-family name with multiple words that are unquoted
- Fixed bug that affected sites with broken links to files
Version 4.0.3 Stable
Joomla 2.5.* Joomla 3.*
Released on: Thursday, 22 May 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Thursday, 22 May 2014 |
Viewed | 1316 times |
Release notes
- Fixed PHP warnings when either Combine Js/CSS is disabled
- Add ability to add items to multi-select exclude options
- Improved support for popular editors
- Significantly improved the 'Optimize CSS Delivery' option
- If 'url rewriting' is set on auto (default), plugin will detect support and automatically select Yes or No so this check is not made on every download
- Scripts with 'document.write' will only be excluded by default if they are in the body of the page.
- Other minor improvements
Version 4.0.2 Stable
Joomla 2.5 Joomla 3.0 Joomla 3.1 Joomla 3.2
Released on: Tuesday, 01 April 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Tuesday, 01 April 2014 |
Viewed | 769 times |
Release notes
- Fixed Errors in backend affecting the layout.
- Fixed bugs in javascript minifier library that was breaking a few javascript files.
- Improved error handling in the backend.
- Fixed several PHP notices and warnings that were showing.
- Links in multiselect exclude options were not changing when a different menu item was selected and global cache was on due to a bug in Joomla. A workaround was coded in.
- Added support for Internet Explorer 9 and earlier.
Version 4.0.1 Stable
Joomla 2.5 Joomla 3.0 Joomla 3.1 Joomla 3.2
Released on: Friday, 21 March 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Friday, 21 March 2014 |
Viewed | 535 times |
Release notes
- Fixed 'File not found' error on some sites regarding the link toi the combined file that caused sites to appear without CSS and Javscript.
- Fixed Backend not showing correctly in some sites dur to the addition of the multiselect exclude options.
- Improved error handling in the backend.
Version 4.0.0 Stable
Joomla 2.5 Joomla 3.0 Joomla 3.1 Joomla 3.2
Released on: Monday, 17 March 2014
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Monday, 17 March 2014 |
Viewed | 559 times |
Release notes
- Regexes optimized to enable the plugin to run much faster
- Support for cURL added to access files on external server and php generated CSS/Js files.
- Multiselect options now available in backend to select files/extension to exclude from aggregation. This requires cURL or allow_url_fopen to be enabled, otherwise you'll get a textarea to type in the file/extension names.
- Update server added for automatic updates.
- Using Joomla! API to access the cached combined file. This is an attempt to make the plugin compatible with extension that changes the default cache location eg. MightySites.
- Added support for deflate to compress combined file if supported by server and browser.
- Default option to automatically detect support for url rewriting on installed server so query can be removed from the JCH generated link to combined file to enable proxy caching.
- Support for data URIs added.
- Support for Google Maps improved.
- Support for email cloaking added.
- [Pro-Version] Can automatically correct the published order of the plugin to ensure correct operation.
- [Pro-Version] Option to clean plugin and page cache from the backend added.
- [Pro-Version] Six pre-configured settings now available to simplify configuration of plugin on various sites.
- [Pro-Version] 'Optimize CSS Delivery' option added. When enabled the plugin will attempt to load only the CSS required to render the page in the head. All other CSS will be loaded aysnchronously by javascript.
Version 3.1.2 Stable
Joomla 2.5 Joomla 3.0 Joomla 3.1 Joomla 3.2
Released on: Sunday, 22 December 2013
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 22 December 2013 |
Viewed | 772 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with plugin failing if urls is non-existent.
- Other bug fixes and enhancement.
Version 3.1.1 Stable
Released on: Sunday, 22 December 2013
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 22 December 2013 |
Viewed | 488 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with CSS minification on some website.
- Improved editor support.
- Fixed issue with some files inside IE conditional tags being combined.
- Other bug fixes and enhancements
Version 3.1.0 Stable
Released on: Sunday, 22 December 2013
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 22 December 2013 |
Viewed | 488 times |
Release notes
- Fixed issue with responsiveness affected on some websites.
- Fixed issue with some websites not showing properly in Internet Explorer.
- Improved Exception handling and error logging.
- Various bug fixes and improvements.
Version 3.0.0 Stable
Released on: Sunday, 22 December 2013
Maturity | Stable |
Released on | Sunday, 22 December 2013 |
Viewed | 643 times |
Release notes
What's new
This is a major upgrade and complete rewrite of plugin codes from the previous version to make the plugin more efficient and maintainable. The url to the settings page has also changed. On upgrade, depending on which method is used, the links to the settings page may not work initially until the admin page is refreshed.
Please see CHANGELOG below for list of changes.
Developed and tested on up to PHP 8.0.12 and WordPress 5.8.1Changelog
New features
- Added Reduce DOM feature [Pro version only]
- Added Remove javascript/Remove CSS setting
- Added Smart Combine feature [Pro version only]
- Added Utility feature to generate new cache hash
- Complete redo of Admin Configuration page to be more user-friendly and aesthetic
Miscellaneous changes
- Using icon images instead of font icons on action buttons on dashboard