Copyright © 2022 JCH Optimize
This book documents how to use and configure JCH Optimize to optimize your web pages for fast download. This document covers how to install, configure and use the plugin on the Joomla!, WordPress, Magento, and Drupal frameworks and how to troubleshoot and resolve conflicts with other third party extensions or functions.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Installation, Upgrades, Updates and Support
- 3. Using the JCH Optimize Component
- 4. Accompanying Extensions
- 5. Optimizing Your Site With JCH Optimize
- Using PageSpeed To Measure Performance
- Minify CSS and JavaScript
- Eliminate Render Blocking
- Reduce Unused CSS
- Reduce Server Response
- Optimize Fonts
- Add Image Attributes
- Defer Offscreen Images
- Optimize .htaccess
- Preload Critical Resources
- Efficiently Encode Images
- Reduce Unused JavaScript
- Use a Content Domain Network (CDN)/Cookie free Domain
- 6. Troubleshooting Guide
List of Examples