Reduce Server Response

Time to First Byte (TTFB)

When users navigate to a URL in their web browser, the browser makes a network request to fetch that content. Your server on which your website is hosted receives the request, computes and retrieves the information for the page and returns the content. The time it takes from the browser to make the request to when the browser receives the request is the server response time. Any time greater than 600ms is considered a failure by the audit.

Users dislike when pages take a long time to load. Slow server response times are one possible cause for long page loads.

Improving Server Response With Caching.  JCH Optimize improves server response with the The System - JCH Optimize Page Cache Plugin . The website can spend time retrieving the content required for the page. It may require some computation or, communication with the database. However, the same page may be returning the same content on each load, particularly if the requests are made within a short amount of time so sufficient time hasn't passed for the content to change. In these cases, it makes sense to cache, or save a static content of the page. Then, on subsequent requests, if there is a valid cache available, the cached content is returned instead to speed up the retrieval rather than spending time to reproduce the content again.


Enable the HTTP Request feature for even faster response times. This feature ships static versions of the page without calling PHP.

Other ways to reduce server response times are:

  • Disable and uninstall unnecessary extensions that you do not need from the site.
  • Optimize your server databases, or migrate to a faster database system.
  • Migrate your site to a server that has more memory or CPU.