Chapter 3. Using the JCH Optimize Component


The JCH Optimize installation package contains an Administrator component and other miscellaneous extensions. The component is used for administering and configuring the various features to optimize your site. This chapter documents how to navigate and use the JCH Optimize Component to configure the available features. The various features and their corresponding configurations will be discussed in more detail in another chapter.

To access the component you need to log into the Administrator section of your website and navigate to ComponentsJCH Optimize ProDashboard on the side menu to the left.

JCH Optimize Dashboard

The Dashboard

The Dashboard provides a set of graphical buttons to easily toggle features on or off and perform some useful utility functions. Each button consists of an icon, a title, and if it is related to a feature, a visual toggle to indicate if that particular feature is enabled or not. Hovering over the title of the button produces a pop-up with a short description of the feature.

Dashboard Icons

The dashboard is organized into four sections each having a set of icons for a related task.

Combine Files Automatic Settings

The Combine Files Automatic Settings section manages a set of granular configuration settings concerned with the aggregation and minification of CSS and JavaScript files, CSS styles, and in-page scripts for better optimization. All these settings together can be considered as one general feature.

There is one Enable Combine Files button, which effectively disables and enables this feature, and six pre-configured 'automatic' settings that automatically configure the granular settings in the Automatic Settings Groups to make configuring the component easier. These settings determine how the CSS and JavaScript files are combined respectively and are represented by six buttons labelled Minimum, Intermediate, Average, Deluxe, Premium, and Optimum.

Hover over the title of each Automatic Setting to see a popup of the granular settings that are enabled or disabled.

The Automatic Settings

Utility Tasks

The utility tasks performs some useful functions like flushing cache or optimizing your .htaccess file. Hover over the title of each button to get a short description of each task.

Utility Task

The Utility Task Section

The currently available tasks are as listed below:

Optimize .htaccess

Use this button to add codes to your .htaccess file to 'Leverage Browser Caching' and for 'GZIP Compression'.

Order plugin

Plugins in Joomla! will be run in the order they are ordered in the database. The JCH Optimize Plugin should be run after other plugins in the System category, but before page caching plugins. This tasks automatically orders this plugin for you to ensure the best compatibility with other extensions.

Generate new cache key

This generates a random value that is used to calculate the key for the cache in JCH Optimize. If you're making changes to your CSS and JavaScript files then you may want to have those changes shown to your visitors immediately. If these files were cached in the users' browsers then the only way to make these changes visible is to change the name of your files. Since the cache key forms a part of the file path then generating a new cache key effectively changes the names of the generated combined files.


This button runs a crawl of the website, so all your pages can be optimized and cached before any user accesses them, significantly enhancing the user experience.

Bulk Settings Operations

This opens a small modal with three additional buttons allowing you to export your settings into a file, reset all your settings to the default value, or import settings that were previously exported.


It is recommended that you only import settings from a site running the same version of JCH Optimize, as the names and number of settings can vary across versions.


Some additional configuration may still be required even after importing settings from a similar site.

Clean cache

This flushes all the cache generated by JCH Optimize, which includes the generated combined files and page cache. There is also a visual indicator beside this button of the number of cache files and the total size of these files that have been generated by the component.

Basic Features

The icons in this section represents individual features that can be toggled on or off. Some of these features may require additional configuration or have other optional settings to configure for best optimization. You can find these settings on The Options Page

Basic Features

The Basic Features section

The features in this section are as listed:

Add Image Attributes

Adds missing weight and height attributes to <img> elements. This reduces Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) by ensuring browsers allocate sufficient space on the page before fetching images to minimize reflow and re-layout.

Sprite Generator

Combines select background images in a sprite to reduce http requests.

Http/2 Push

Sends appropriate Link headers to an HTTP/2 enabled server to preload critical resources on the page.

LazyLoad Images

Defer the loading of images that fall below the fold.

Optimize CSS Delivery

Eliminates CSS render-blocking by inlining critical CSS for rendering above the page content and loading the rest of CSS asynchronously.

Optimize Google Fonts

Optimizing the loading of Google Fonts to speed up loading time.


Loads static assets from a pull-zone CDN domain. This requires the use of a third party CDN provider and the CDN domains to be configured on the Options page.

Smart Combine

This works along with the Combine CSS and JavaScript files feature and intelligently combines these files in a number of smaller files, instead of one large files for better HTTP/2 delivery.

Load WEBP Images

Loads generated WEBP images on each page in place of the original formats.


The WEBP images must first be generated on the Optimize Images tab.


JCH Optimize will only use WEBP images in the cases where they are smaller than the optimized image, otherwise they are discarded. The component will always use the scenario which produces the best optimization.

Page Cache

This feature is provided by the JCH Optimize Page Cache plugin and caches the page to speed up response time.

Advanced Features

These setting provide additional optimization but are more likely to cause issues or may require additional configuration to work properly.


If you're experiencing conflicts while using or trying to configure JCH Optimize try disabling these features first to troubleshoot.

Advanced Setting

The Advanced Settings

These features are as listed:

Reduce Unused CSS

Technically this is a setting in the Optimize CSS Delivery feature because this requires that this feature be enabled to work. When enabled then only critical CSS would be inlined on the page until the user interacts with the page then the CSS files will be loaded dynamically using JavaScript.

Reduce Unused JavaScript

Similarly to the above feature, the JavaScript will only be loaded on the site after the user interacts with the page.


If your site uses JavaScript to perform the initial render of any part of the page above the fold, then this critical JavaScript will need to be excluded on the Options page.

Reduce DOM

Defers the loading of some HTML5 section elements below the page until after the user interacts with the page.